Tuesday, January 18, 2022
BPS Kabupaten Nagan Raya has opened an opportunity for anyone who wants to be involved in the ST2023 mapping activity for 1 (one) month as a statistical partner to be able to register and follow the registration procedure on the link provided.
Registration Flow
In summary, prospective partners who wish to register are asked to do the following.
1. Register on the bps partner website page via the link: mitra.bps.go.id/registrasi
2. Activate the registered partner account (activation link will be sent to the registered email address
3. Re-login using the registration account that was previously activated on the bps partner website page via the link: mitra.bps.go.id/login
4. If you have logged in, please complete your identity data.
5. After confirming your identity data, please select the "Survey List" page menu
6. Please select the activity “Updating the Geospatial Framework and Wilkerstat ST2023 Load” with the type of activity “Field” then click “Register”.
7. Please select "ACEH" for the province, "NAGAN RAYA" for the district/city, and "Mappa" for the officer position
8. You have entered the list of potential partners, for proof of administrative purposes, please upload the required supporting files (the format can be seen at the link: s.bps.go.id/Pemetaan1115) to the email address ipds1115@bps.go.id with the subject “ Mapping Selection File”.
9. Please wait for the next confirmation via the email address or mobile number that has been registered on the bps partner website. Those who will be selected will be contacted by the BPS admin of Nagan Raya Regency.
General requirements
- Man / Woman
- Domiciled in Nagan Raya Regency
- Preferably with a minimum education of SMA / equivalent
- Preferably have done the vaccine (minimum dose 1)
- Age 18 - 40 years old
- Willing to work full time for 1 month (March 2022)
- Preference will be given to those who are not married
- Can read maps both sketch and digital (Example: Google Maps)
- Have an android smartphone with specifications:
*Minimum version 4.4.2. (Kitkat), with Built-in GPS
* Internal memory capacity is still available 2 GB
* 2GB RAM capacity
- Accustomed to using android applications
- Able to work in a team
- Physically and mentally healthy
Job details
- Visit the Head of SLS (Dusun) to get information on SLS (Dusun) boundaries and complete the P-SLS list (will be explained further if elected)
- Collect farm load information and complete the Wilkerstat BS and SLS Update List and Worksheet (to be explained further if selected)
- Describe the improvement of the SLS boundary (Dusun) as a result of field checks
- Geotagging samples of land cover, agricultural infrastructure, and SLS boundaries (Dusun)
*If you still have questions, you can contact the BPS admin of Nagan Raya Regency via direct message (DM) on Instagram to @bpskabnaganraya or you can also use the email address ipds1115@bps.go.id with the subject "Ask for Mapping Selection".